Another success story is happening before our very eyes at Hall Kent Elementary. Coach Justin Bowlby began participating in before school fitness activities with the students, this jump-started his weight loss. He has registered for the Spirit Scamper 5K and is in the "running" for the Fit n Fueled Champion! Good luck to all participants in Fit n Fueled. If you are still, in it to win it, be sure to visit your school nurse for final weigh-in the morning of May 4th. SpinSpur's Progress: 144.6=Starting Weight, 139.0=Current Weight. Winner will be announced at the Fitness Fair, May 4th 6-8pm at HHS. Check out the Spirit Scamper tab above for details.
BIKE FOR BAGWELL: If you knew Linda Bagwell, you understand why we honor her with this upcoming special event. Linda was a constant smile, never had a bad day at work, always ready to lend a helping hand and loved by all who knew her. Three years ago when we started Bike for Bagwell, it was to honor Linda in her fight with cancer. A few months after our first B4B, Linda lost her battle with cancer. Her fight lives on during this special event for HCS. On April 25th at HMS and April 27th at HHS, Spin bikes will be pedaled non-stop in an effort to bring in as many donations as possible in conjunction with Relay for Life. Buckets will be placed on the handlebars of the bikes. We will be asking for donations from HMS on April 25 and at HHS on April 27th. Please join in the fun on this very important event. We will host a pep rally at HHS on the 27th at 2pm. It's a program that will feature our Fine Arts department and award-winning showchoir. Mr. Thorne and top 10 nationally ranked The Network will perform. We will also recognize cancer survivors, caregivers and those battling the disease. Please email Justin Cannady if you are available to be a part of our program as a survivor or caregiver. If you aren't available to attend, please email your name and how cancer has touched your life. 1000 HHS Patriots will be there to cheer for you! Awareness is a focus of this program but another goal is to let our kids know they are not alone. So many of our students are impacted by this disease. We will also have a special guest on campus. Alex Swader is an 11 year old philanthropist and cancer survivor. Alex started his own fund-raising efforts with "Tapping out Childhood Cancer" in conjunction with Dancers Fighting Cancer.
Spin Schedule for next week:
Monday Spin 4:15-5pm (this class has been great lately, thanks to all who are showing up to Spin)
Wednesday Bike for Bagwell at HMS
Friday Bike for Bagwell at HHS, Pep Rally at 2pm, Walk to Relay for Life 3pm, Relay for Life at Central Park, 4pm until....