We are back at it- "Empowering students to reach their unique potential." What about you reaching your potential? We can't be what we need to be for students if we aren't the best version of ourselves. Make year eight of The Movement the year that YOU reach your potential. Wellness is about physical health (nutrition and fitness) but it's also about so much more.
Think about where you stand in each area of wellness. Set a few goals to help you reach your personal best by May of 2017.
Opportunities to Move:
Be sure to check out The Movement calendar tab in the menu item above to find out about Yoga, Strength Training and Cycle classes for employees. If you need more info, email me and I'll gladly explain in detail what each class involves.
HCS vs. Corporate America-At it again, this time-WIN!
We Power 5K, 7PM Sept. 29th
We have another opportunity to BEAT CORPORATE AMERICA upcoming. Go ahead and save the date! We need a WIN! Winning is just showing up. This is an event where we score points based on NUMBER of participants. Walkers are welcome. It's a Thursday evening event. BE THERE I'll blog about this in detail soon.
Patriot Point Competition:
A Patriot Point is earned when you complete 30 minutes of scheduled exercise. If you attend a fitness class you earn two points for your effort. Each week you will tally all of your points and enter them into the Google form you will receive via email on Monday mornings. Begin counting your Patriot Points next week, August 29th-September 5th. First opportunity to post your Patriot Points will be Tuesday, Sept. 6th because Monday is a holiday. The trophy will rotate weekly to the campus with the most Patriot Points. SCES is the current champion. Who will be the first team to earn the right to host the trophy for the 2016-17 season?