HCS employees are kinda awesome. The Morning Crew, pictured above, represents that awesomeness. Last week this team completed a 16 round workout to honor Alison Hill and her completion of 16 rounds of chemotherapy. The workout was created by their team leader, Dr. Maddox who has transitioned back to Coach Maddox for the Morning Crew for the past few years. His workouts are always good but this time he put a lot of thought into each and every facet. Each movement of this workout was detailed for a specific purpose honoring Alison. It wasn't an easy workout, but nothing to compare to what Alison has been through.
The movements involved in the workout represented Alison's fight. For instance, push-ups and pull-ups signifying pushing through adversity, pulling yourself up when you are down. Running the hill from the gym parking lot all the way up to the top level at HHS, represented Alison HILL! The entire workout was a partner workout, representing the fact that along the way Alison has relied on the help of family and friends to get her through tough times. And then there was the ringing of the bell. After completion of her chemotherapy, Alison walked down the long hall from the infusion clinic at Kirkland and "RANG THE BELL"!!!!! Check out her big smile as she rang the bell at Kirkland clinic!
After completing the hill run, the morning crew rang a bell which hung by a pink bandana in the doorway, under the words "Patriot Power". I'll add to the alliteration, Patriot Power/Pink/Positive thinking/special People.
If you are still making excuses about your wellness, maybe you should consider this as your "kick in the backside." We only have one chance to live our lives. What kind of a fight are you fighting? Are you down for the count or are you willing to go the distance to be at your personal best?