Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 12, New WINNER


Usually when one of our workplace teams hosts an event that requires our employees to spend time together outside of the classroom it results in a team WIN!  Congrats to HMS on a successful "FEST" and on winning week 12 of the PPC.  

Thanksgiving Day started the #RWRunStreak.  If you are streaking, please remember to answer YES on the PPC tally card.  Streakers must run or walk at least one mile daily from Thanksgiving Day to Christmas Day.  At the end of the Streak (Dec. 25) you will have earned an event leading to winning The Movement Medal (4 events + Spirit Scamper qualifies you for the bling).

Spin Class= MONDAY at 4:15-5:00pm.  Get there!

Mercedes Marathon Relay:  If you are interested in participating in the 2014 Mercedes Marathon as part of a relay team involving our students and The Bell Center, please email me asap.  We need a few employees to join forces with student teams.  Distances are 5K (3.1 miles), 10K(6.2 miles) and 12K(8 miles)