Monday, January 20, 2014

The Chase, for the "Health" of it

This past weekend I enjoyed some time at the lake.  During a morning walk with my Chocolate Lab, Copper, he noticed a hawk circling high above and decided to give chase.  He ran and ran as the hawk circled and circled.  Copper chased after the hawk, and as I watched the chase I realized he probably knew he would never reach the ultimate goal of catching the hawk.  Not reaching the ultimate goal didn't stop him from trying.  When he finally jogged back to me, he bounced around, excited about his chase and begging for a pat on the head.  He was happy for the experience and proud of his accomplishment.   So, what's that ultimate goal you are chasing?  Have you given up or are you still enjoying the chase?  Lifetime wellness is a process.  Small decisions along the way, little steps in your day to day.  A chase for the "Health" of it.

Keep Moving.