Sunday, February 7, 2016

Before and After

Before                               After
Patrick Chappell

After                                         Before
Mary Binkley

It takes a lot of courage to create a before and after picture.  Not just courage to actually allow the image to be included in our wellness blog, but courage to take on the daily challenge of winning wellness.  How many decisions do we make every day that impact wellness?  Here is a summary of what might happen in the life of an educator in one day.

  • 5AM-Alarm clock, roll over or roll out of bed and get in a morning workout?
  • 6AM- Breakfast, does it include a pop tart from the kid's side of the pantry, McDonald's on the way to work or a healthy option?
  • 7AM-Sitting in traffic, are you slamming that second cup of coffee or beginning to hydrate with water?
  • 7:30AM-Clock in at school, the PTO moms left breakfast casserole, doughnuts and more coffee.  It's free, they made the effort to bring it to school, do you pass by or feel guilty and therefore make a plate to take to your room and munch on before the students arrive?
  • 10AM-First break of the day, planning period.  Do you open your desk drawer to find a healthy snack or is there a box of Girl Scout Cookies that you have to finish off before they are stale?
  • 10:15AM-Do you surf the internet or take your phone with you to answer emails while you walk for 15 minutes before students make it back to your room?
  • 11:45AM-Lunch!!  Do you choose a healthy option from the school cafeteria of do you make your way back to the lounge to enjoy the casseroles provided by the homeroom moms?
  • 2:00PM-Still hydrating with water or do you need that second cup of coffee or soft drink to get you through the afternoon?
  • 3:30PM-You survived the day!  Run by the store and grab a Snicker's bar or head the the high school for a 30 minute Spin Class?
  • 6:00PM-Healthy dinner or stop by Publix and grab some of those amazing chicken fingers from the Deli?
  • 7:00PM-Get in a walk after dinner or have two glasses of wine while streaming your favorite show on Netflix?
  • 10:00PM-Teeth brushed, ready for bed? or catching up on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram?

EVERY day you are faced with decisions about wellness but you are faced with TWICE as many nutritional choices (highlighted in red) as you are fitness choices (highlighted in green).  That's why eating is such a HUGE part of wellness.  Think about your day.  Think about your decisions.  Create your before and after.  Mary and Patrick are enjoying life to the fullest because they FEEL better and nothing tastes as good as fitness feels.  Start working toward your after, stop living in your before.  

Keep Moving....


  1. Best blog post yet! Thanks for the motivation and painting a clear picture of our daily choices that lead to some major outcomes.

    1. Jana, thanks for reading the blog! And thanks for being part of The Movement.
