Sunday, February 5, 2017

Exercise quick hitters

Last week I had the opportunity to visit Rebecca Smith's 4th grade classroom at SCES.  Students in her class are working on Passion Projects, which is designed based on the Google concept of 20% time.  Rebecca and I follow kind of the same idea on this.  In fact, my high school Health class had a similar project based learning experience each semester.   I asked the kids in my Health class to focus on something relative to health and wellness.  One of my students last semester worked on the odor problem in West Homewood!  Maybe he should have helped our city council in this effort!  HA! Not only do Rebecca and I follow the same basic format for teaching 20% but we also share a common goal-exercise in the classroom!!!  One of the first things I noticed when I walked in her room is that students have the option to sit on stability balls.  It was a natural element in her room.  I'm sure the first day that 4th grade students were introduced to the balls there may have been some behavior management that needed to be addressed, but at this point students were just naturally seated on the balls unknowingly creating core stability and balance all day/every day!  Check out the video that my high school kiddos created last year to promote use of stability balls and movement in the classroom setting.  CLICK HERE to view video if you can't see the video below.

Here's another example of exercise in the classroom-How about this image from Carter Doyle's classroom?

Notice anything that may be considered out of place but instead should be considered a practical solution for a long-time problem.  Problem-we have become more sedentary.  Solution-MOVEMENT

Or how about the fact that I found out last week that several elementary school teachers are asking to have their teacher desks removed!  What an awesome idea.  It creates more space for crowded classrooms and it promotes something that we should all do-STAND UP.  Or "rise up" if you are a Hamilton or Atlanta Falcons fan.  

One more example.  I met with an HCS employee last week who will begin her personal training journey with me next week.  One of the components in the plan I have designed for her is to become more like a "New Yorker", in other words-walk more often.  I've challenged her to bring her tennis shoes to work and find 10-15 minutes throughout the day to step away from her desk and go for a walk.  The 50-60 kcal burn experienced during the walking break is great, but the afterburn due to increased metabolic rate is awesome AND the mental break is a necessity for all of us.  

If you don't have exercise balls handy, or a bike for your room or time for a walk.  How about this?  The YMCA is promoting heart health for the month of February.  Locate the word of the day from the first image then complete the exercises listed that match up with the letters from the word of the day.  If you don't have dumbbells handy for the few exercises requiring weight, just grab two heavy books or simply do the movement without weight!  For the 400 meter run/walk, leave your classroom for a quick trip down the hall or take a few laps in your room.  

Bottom line, get moving!



HMS won week #20 and will host the trophy.  Who will win week 21?

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